Children have fun learning as they read and hear about characters DO RE MI FA SO LA and TI and their relationships to each other. They are shown using tonal houses on Melody Street. The artwork is deliberately simple to encourage the use of one’s imagination.
This book is an excellent teaching tool for music teachers and parents. Children learn about the real world of music in Solfege pitches and melodic terminology sequentially, as recommended by the Kodaly concept for learning music. Children learning to sing and play instruments using this book and love reviewing what they learn. Sister Lorna Zemke, Silver Lake College, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, compared solfege pitches to tonal houses in her presentations to music teachers. I acknowledge and appreciate this talented musician for her willingness to share her knowledge. It is my sincere hope that you and your children or students find this book helpful, educational, and entertaining. |
This completely revised and improved edition with more songs than ever is an excellent resource for veteran or novice rhythm guitar players. It provides the basics needed to give the guitarist instant success.
The songs included are sequential in chord difficulty. Even when knowing only a few guitar chords, the guitarist will be successful with these folk songs, children’s songs, gospel hymns, and favorites. It is also an exceptional supplement for guitar teachers to use in individual and class instruction. Included inside:
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