Christian Historical Fiction:
Author’s Mission Statement:
"I write Christian historical fiction set in Biblical times for children, middle graders, teens, young adults, and adults. I want to encourage readers to have greater love, knowledge, and understanding of God, His people, and biblical events." |
This series strikes the perfect balance between reality and fantasy in the genres of literature for children, middle grade, teen & young adult. The writing style, photos, and illustrations are appropriate and help readers imagine how life was in biblical times. There is depth to these stories, but the author presents them in a way that captures the imagination of anyone of any age who reads them.
Fictional, chameleon-like glops help readers stay engaged by voicing concerns and feelings invoked by true Bible stories. They elaborate on important historical facts and traditions. Chief messages throughout the series are that our Father God wants us to know and love Him, He always keeps His promises, He always answers our prayers, and His plans are infinitely better than our own.
Fictional, chameleon-like glops help readers stay engaged by voicing concerns and feelings invoked by true Bible stories. They elaborate on important historical facts and traditions. Chief messages throughout the series are that our Father God wants us to know and love Him, He always keeps His promises, He always answers our prayers, and His plans are infinitely better than our own.
For children 3-8 and Middle Grades 9-12
Debuted as #1 NEW KINDLE AND PAPERBACK RELEASE in Noah's Ark Stories on Amazon
Nominated for a 2024 ILLUMINATION BOOK AWARD in Christian Children's Books
Nominated for a 2024 ILLUMINATION BOOK AWARD in Christian Children's Books
In the early days of the world’s creation, God made the animals, and also little creatures known as ‘glops.’ Glops were imaginary and practically invisible. At first, they lived in the Garden of Eden.
As the world changed, so did the glops. They learned to overcome prejudices and fears.
Going anywhere was hard for glops because they slowly oozed to move. Then, they heard that they had to get to Noah’s Ark before the Great Flood. Would they make it?
As the world changed, so did the glops. They learned to overcome prejudices and fears.
Going anywhere was hard for glops because they slowly oozed to move. Then, they heard that they had to get to Noah’s Ark before the Great Flood. Would they make it?
Glops were imaginary, chameleon-like creatures who managed to witness people, animals, and creatures spreading throughout the world. They saw men building a tower to reach God’s home in heaven. Some glops wanted to stop the men, but what could little glops do?
Glops were with Abraham and Sarah for many years. God promised to give Abraham a son. Abraham’s joy was turned to grief when the son he loved with all his heart was in danger. Could the glops protect Abraham’s son?
Glops were with Abraham and Sarah for many years. God promised to give Abraham a son. Abraham’s joy was turned to grief when the son he loved with all his heart was in danger. Could the glops protect Abraham’s son?
The glops were with Isaac and Rebekah when they had twins. The two boys were quite different from each other.
- Which twin cheated his brother?
- Which twin wanted to kill the other?
- Which twin ran away from the other?
- Which twin dreamed about and saw angels?
- Which twin wanted to marry a beautiful young woman but married her sister?
Book 4:
Nominated for a 2020 CHRISTIAN INDIE AWARD in the Children (Ages 8-12) Category
Jacob loved Joseph best of all his sons. When he gave Joseph an expensive gift, Joseph’s brothers were mad. Joseph had dreams that he would be greater than them. His brothers were so mad they said they hated him. They decided to get rid of Joseph forever.
The glops were very afraid for Joseph. They loved him. Some glops wanted to comfort him and help him.
Did they?
The glops were very afraid for Joseph. They loved him. Some glops wanted to comfort him and help him.
Did they?
Book 5:
Nominated for a 2021 CHRISTIAN INDIE AWARD in the Children (Ages 8-12) Category
Many years after Joseph’s death, Egyptians made slaves of the Israelites. Pharaoh ordered the death of Israelite baby boys. How did baby Moses survive?
Some glops were with Moses all his life. They were with Moses when he fled Egypt, lived in the wilderness, and when he met God on a mountain.
God said, “Let my people go.” Pharaoh refused. God proved He was the Only True God, and the Israelites were freed. Pharaoh changed his mind and took an army to get the slaves.
Did the Israelites return to Egypt as slaves? Did they die in the wilderness? Did God save His people?
Some glops were with Moses all his life. They were with Moses when he fled Egypt, lived in the wilderness, and when he met God on a mountain.
God said, “Let my people go.” Pharaoh refused. God proved He was the Only True God, and the Israelites were freed. Pharaoh changed his mind and took an army to get the slaves.
Did the Israelites return to Egypt as slaves? Did they die in the wilderness? Did God save His people?
Short Story 5a:
“How can I get rid of these people before they start a war?” King Balak asked himself. God’s people, the Israelites, rested in the country of Moab after forty years of wandering. They had won many battles against other nations.
Balak, the king of Moab and Midian, hired the prophet, Balaam, to curse Israel so the immigrants would go away. Some imaginary glops became friends with the prophet’s donkey. Together with Balaam, they went to the king.
Amazing events took place. How did God step in to get Balaam do what God wanted?
Balak, the king of Moab and Midian, hired the prophet, Balaam, to curse Israel so the immigrants would go away. Some imaginary glops became friends with the prophet’s donkey. Together with Balaam, they went to the king.
Amazing events took place. How did God step in to get Balaam do what God wanted?
Book 6:
After the great leader Moses died, the warrior Joshua led Israelites into the land God had promised to their ancestors. They fought to take Canaan for themselves. The people were to have faith in God and obey Him or they would not reap the bounty of “the land of milk and honey.” Disobedience to God led to more battles, wars, and even slavery.
The LORD provided judges and prophets, again and again, to help His people and to bring them back to faith in Him. The unlikely, imperfect heroes included Joshua, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, Samson, Eli, and Samuel.
Were the glops eyewitnesses or heroes?
The LORD provided judges and prophets, again and again, to help His people and to bring them back to faith in Him. The unlikely, imperfect heroes included Joshua, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, Samson, Eli, and Samuel.
Were the glops eyewitnesses or heroes?
Short Story 6a:
Debuted as #1 NEW KINDLE RELEASE in Teen & Young Adult Christian Bible Stories
Ruth lived during the time of early Israelite judges and prophets. She had been a princess in the foreign land of Moab before she married an Israelite man,. Both Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi, became overwhelmed by tragedy. Ruth knew Naomi needed her. Together, they went to Naomi’s homeland in Judah. Ever-present glops went with them.
How was Ruth important to future Israelites? How was she related to future Israelite kings and to Jesus Christ?
How was Ruth important to future Israelites? How was she related to future Israelite kings and to Jesus Christ?
Book 7:
Nominated for a 2024 ILLUMINATION BOOK AWARD in Christian-Themed Juvenile Books
The hearts of the first three kings of Israel affected the lives of God’s people and the nation.
What did the eavesdropping, practically invisible glops see and hear?
- Saul had no love for God. The nation was divided, and the people fought each other.
- David loved God with all his heart. Glops watched him lead the people into a united Israel. God promised to bring the Savior of the world from David’s family line.
- Solomon was very wise but his loyalty to God was half-hearted. The united Israel began to divide.
What did the eavesdropping, practically invisible glops see and hear?
Many of God’s people rebelled when their king treated them too harshly. The kingdom divided: north became “Israel,” and south became “Judah.” God’s prophets warned them to worship the LORD, keep His Laws, and help others in need. Otherwise, foreign invaders would capture them, exile them, and destroy Jerusalem. The prophecies came true.
Glops wondered, How and when will God save the exiles and restore the Holy Land?
Prophets spoke of the future Jerusalem, hope for all God’s people, and the coming Messiah.
Glops wondered, How and when will God save the exiles and restore the Holy Land?
Prophets spoke of the future Jerusalem, hope for all God’s people, and the coming Messiah.
Even when many exiled Israelites, also called Jews, returned to the Holy Land, others chose to continue living in foreign lands of the east.
Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stood strong in their faith. How did they prove to King Nebuchadnezzar that the LORD was the only true God and He deserved worship? What did the glops witness?
Some glops thought the priest Ezekiel acted strangely, but they knew God gave him visions and revelations to reach the people. What did he tell the exiled Jews that their people would eventually do?
Esther, who was raised by her cousin Mordecai, was wise and beautiful. She found favor with King Xerxes and became his queen. Glops wondered if Esther could save the Persian Jews from mass murder.
Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stood strong in their faith. How did they prove to King Nebuchadnezzar that the LORD was the only true God and He deserved worship? What did the glops witness?
Some glops thought the priest Ezekiel acted strangely, but they knew God gave him visions and revelations to reach the people. What did he tell the exiled Jews that their people would eventually do?
Esther, who was raised by her cousin Mordecai, was wise and beautiful. She found favor with King Xerxes and became his queen. Glops wondered if Esther could save the Persian Jews from mass murder.
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