Tower of Bable, Abraham and Isaac: The Story of Glops, Book 2 is now an audiobook. Hooraqy!
Books 3 & 4 are uploaded and waiting for the Quality Assurance team to give the thumbs-up. I'm working on Book 5 right now. Aftter I add a few sound effects, the title will be ready for upload to ACX. I'm pumped! Here is the video for Getting to Noah's Ark: The Story of Glops, Book 1. I hope you enjoy it and decide to read the book. If you have read it, tell someone else about the book. It is also an audiobook, too. The title is available on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes (ASAP).
Here is the video of the Audio Creation Workshop. Kim Black and I presented our program through ZOOM, on August 15. Unfortunately, no video was made. So, here is the "re-ZOOM" video, made on August 18.
Same material, same presenters, second time. We hope this information will help, whether you decide to DIY (Do It Yourself) or to PFH (Producer For Hire) your title (book) into an audiobook. I'm happy!
Audiobook Creation with Kim Black and Betty M Reeves was attended by fifteen people. It went well and without a hitch. We stepped through the process of turning our books into audiobooks. Kim spoke as an author who hires a producer for her titles, and I spoke as an author who produces my own titles. Kim, you are a very special friend and author. Thank you, for the privilege of presenting a program with you. It was fun! Kimberly Black, “all” author of books in many genres, and I, Betty M Reeves, author in Christian, kids, and music genres, will join together this Saturday at 10 am to present a program on Audiobook Creation. We are two authors speaking from two viewpoints: hiring a producer versus DIY producing. Invite your friends and join us. by going to this Facebook Events page THPW Audiobook Creation on Saturday (8-15) at 10 am.
See you Saturday! Betty |
Betty M ReevesChristian Author, Archives
November 2024