Hooray! GETTING TO NOAH'S ARK: THE STORY OF GLOPS, BOOK 1 is now an audiobook! I'm happy! Now, the adventure continues as I produce audiobooks of other books in the series.
I think this is good news: This is a whole new world, but I will continue to continue until I get all the books in the series on audio. It has been challenging but fun.
I have submitted two recorded books to ACX. They are "pending audio review" which can take up to 30 business days. I will continue to produce my books, in THE STORY OF GLOPS series, for ACX. If something needs changing in the recordings, I now have the confidence that I can make the changes. I do not understand it, but I can do it.
Happy Independence Day! Happy 29th Anniversary to my husband! It's going to be a great weekend! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIUbR378w18 This has the best information of all in the Audacity to ACX videos! ACX University: Setting Up Audacity: Part 4, Lesson 3 In Audacity, record in MONO, not stereo. Or save as Reduce to MONO. Split screen for Audacity on left and book script on right, or for Audicity on lower screen and book script on upper screen. Record narration. When you make a mistake, stop. Either record over it or start a new track to go back and fix it later. Use: Shift Z = undo Shift Y = redo Shift X = cut Shift C = copy Shift V = paste Shift K = copy all to end Shift J = copy all to beginning Export Track as [filename]_raw.wav with Encoding: 32-bit (float) Open Levalator Drag and drop [filename]_raw.wav into Levalator. Keep this file in case you need it later. Levalator will improve the file and make it much more even [filename]_raw.output.wav will be saved wherever the [filename]_raw.wav is Remove the old track from Audacity. Drag and drop the new [filename]_raw.output.wav back into Audacity. You can delete this file later. Select All (Ctrl A) and Effect > Check Remove DC … Check Normalize peak amplitude to Normalize to -3.0 dB No check on stereo … Export as [filename]_final.mp3 with Quality of 192 kdps because an mp3 file is what ACX wants. Keep this file, also. Sound effects can be added, too.If you want to add sound effects, do it with this [filename]_final.mp3. When finished, export the narration and sound effects as:
[filename]_final_wSE.mp3 Bit-rate Mode = Constant Quality = 192 kdps Channel Mode = check Force Export to MONO Click OKAY on next screen (It is about music.) Keep this file. The [filename]_final.mp3 for narration or the [filename]_final_wSE.mp3 for narration with sound effects is the file to upload on ACX. "So what is The Levelator®? It's software that runs on Windows, OS X (universal binary), or Linux (Ubuntu) that adjusts the audio levels within your podcast or other audio file for variations from one speaker to the next, for example. It's not a compressor, normalizer or limiter although it contains all three. It's much more than those tools, and it's much simpler to use. The UI is dirt-simple: Drag-and-drop any WAV or AIFF file onto The Leveler's application window, and a few moments later you'll find a new version which just sounds better." (bold type is mine) http://www.conversationsnetwork.org/levelator It is FREE and it works wonders.The opening screen in Audacity was rather intimidating. When watching videos from ACX University, or any other video on YouTube that explained Audacity, I soon began to see the screen as a digital recorder with controls similar to the old cassette players I owned "back in the day." ACX says that There are all those terms and numbers that I didn't (and still don't quite) understand. My new friend, Wayne Hughes, understands, though.
kbps = kilobits per second MP3 = a way of compressing a sound sequence into a small file (much smaller than a wav file) kHz = kilohertz, a measurement of audio frequency in data chunks per second CBR = constant bit rate room tone = specific quality of background noise during a live recording dB = decibel, unit used to measure the intensity or pressure of a sound dB peak values = maximum sound levels before distortion |
Betty M ReevesChristian Author, Archives
November 2024