Excerpts from Reviews for this book: Seldom do pastors and others who teach and preach the Bible have the opportunity to read Biblical history in a work that is both accurate and accessible. Ms. Reeves has produced such a work in her latest book. The reading level is good for interested adults to read to older children and for teens to read for themselves. The introduction of joyful observers called glops give a soothing and happy response to the narrative. - Reverend Doctor Ruth Fowler, Retired Pastor, Brownfield, TX Turn the pages of this book and enter the land of God’s people during a time when wars raged and kings reigned. The history of the Holy Land is tied together with the events chronicled in the scriptures. Ms. Reeves takes readers on a journey in the Holy Land through the eyes of the prophets Elijah, Elisha, Amos, Jeremiah, and many others. Observe the scenes of the Bible with the ever-present little Glops and learn from their lessons of history. Written in an easy-to-read style, the language of this book is clear and appealing to all ages. The photos and illustrations are plentiful, and many are works of art by masters over the centuries. Watch as God brings about change in the hearts of all men in preparation for the promised Messiah, Jesus. - Verna Coy, Author/Writer, Book Critic/Reviewer, Nenana, AK This book is written in easily understood details of God’s hope for a united Kingdom of Israel following the path of God’s goodness and mercy and how it was divided by man’s evil and selfish ways. It is definitely a “must read” for children or any new believer who desires to learn and better understand the Bible. - Juanita Sacco, Christian for 57 Years, Amarillo, TX The author has written about the period of time when Israel splits into two kingdoms, and then becomes restored, and made it understandable for younger readers. She has included the playful, insightful glops to make the types of comments that enlighten and mimic those of children reading or hearing the stories. Charts and plenty of illustrations keep one’s interest and add to understanding. This book is quite large and will provide may hours of entertainment and instruction. - Jeannie F Linzie, Retired Library Associate, Las Vegas, NM PAPERBACKS AND KINDLE EBOOKS ARE AVAILABLE AT AMAZON. AUDIOBOOKS OF PREVIOUS BOOKS IN THE SERIES ARE AT AMAZON AND AUDIBLE. Next on my list of "To Do's" is recording this new book to create the audiobook version. I'm pesently searching for just the right background sounds.
Betty M ReevesChristian Author, Archives
November 2024